林仲轩,广东普宁人,现为暨南大学新闻与传播学院副院长、教授、博士生导师,暨南大学计算传播研究中心常务副主任,广东省哲学社会科学重点实验室“计算传播与港澳台侨研究重点实验室”主任,中宣部“宣传思想文化青年英才”。受聘广州市人民政府决策咨询专家,兼任广东省残疾人新闻宣传促进会常务副会长,广东省残疾人事业发展研究会副会长等。2017年以来以第一署名作者身份在ssci和a&hci期刊发文53篇,在tssci和cssci期刊发文16篇,出版教材和专著7部。主持国家级重大项目2项(国家社科基金重大项目和教育部哲学社会科学研究重大课题攻关项目各1项),国家社科基金等国家级项目4 项(国家社科基金一般项目和重大项目子课题各2项),教育部等省部级项目10项。开元棋脾的联系方式:zxlin@jnu.edu.cn
讲授中国大学mooc英文慕课《intercultural communication跨文化传播》:
1. lin, z. (2021). commercialization of creative videos in china in the digital platform age. television & new media, 22(8): 878–895. (ssci; a&hci)
2. lin, z. (2020). precarious creativity: production of digital video in china. critical arts: a journal of south-north cultural and media studies, 34(6): 13–27. (ssci; a&hci)
3. lin, z. (2019). mediating embodied protests: the performative body of a chinese internet celebrity in social protests. media, culture & society, 41(6): 863–877. (ssci)
4. lin, z. (2018). individualizing the sexual revolution in china: staging, enjoying, and experiencing sexuality. asian journal of women’s studies, 24(4): 446-462. (ssci)
5. lin, z., wang, y. & liu, t.* (2023). commercializing desire for platform economics: digital romance in china’s platformization age. continuum: journal of media & cultural studies, (ssci; a&hci)
6. lin, z. & zhao, y.* (2022). the politics of naming: the online carnival in china. china perspectives, 2: 65–73. (ssci)
7. lin, z. & zhao, y.* (2022). (dis)assembling esports: material actors and relational networks in the chinese esports industry. critical arts: south-north cultural and media studies, 35(5-6): 210–223. (ssci; a&hci)
8. lin, z. & zhao, y.* (2020).self-enterprising esports: meritocracy, precarity, and disposability of esports players in china. international journal of cultural studies, 23(4): 582–599. (ssci; a&hci)
9. lin, z. & zhao, y.* (2020). beyond celebrity politics: celebrity as governmentality in china. sage open, 10(3): 1–10. (ssci)
10. lin, z. & yang, l.* (2019). individual and collective empowerment: women’s voices in the #metoo movement in china. asian journal of women’s studies, 25(1): 117–131. (ssci)
11. zhao, y., meng-lewis, y., ni, b., g. lewis, & lin, z.* (2024). the continuity of esports athletes’ careers: skill transformation, personal development, and well-being. sage open.online. (ssci)
12. zhao, y., wu, w. & lin, z.* (2023). surviving or thriving? digital connective politics in primary-level cadres’ live streaming e-commerce (pcle) in china. international journal of communication. 17, 4707–4726. (ssci)
13. zhao, y. & lin, z.* (2023). toward cultural and creative industry: chinese esports through a business ecosystem lens. journal of cultural economy. 16(2): 260-276. (ssci; a&hci)
14. zhao, y. & lin, z.* (2020). umbrella platform of tencent esports industry in china. journal of cultural economy, 14(1): 9–25. (ssci; a&hci)
15. zhao, y. & lin, z.* (2020). “jianghu flow”: examining cultural resonance in the rap of china. continuum: journal of media & cultural studies, 34(4): 601–614. (ssci; a&hci)
16. liu, t. & lin, z.* (2023). caring masculinity as caring capital in the field of marriage: chinese rural migrant men’s engagement with digital dating. information, communication & society.26(8): 1631-1652. (ssci)
17. liu, t., wang, y. & lin, z.* (2022). the cruel optimism of digital dating: heart-breaking mobile romance among rural migrant workers in south china. information, communication & society,25(11): 1614–1631. (ssci)
18. 林仲轩(2024). 电竞爱国主义:国家权力、行业资本和个人梦想的三重接.《国际新闻界》,第1期,页122-144. (cssci)
19. 林仲轩,王逸楠(2023). 拓印、转译与超越:短视频平台文化生产集群的调节机制.《江苏社会科学》,第5期,页193-202. (cssci)
20. 林仲轩,吴奇利(2023). 从情感劳动到情感交易:虚拟恋人的情感商品化实践. 《中国青年研究》,第1期,页84–91 100. (cssci)
21. 林仲轩,刘阳(2022). 多元控制与有限自主: “平台—消费者—劳动者”框架下的游戏陪练师劳动实践. 《新闻记者》,第6期,页67–82. (cssci)
22. 林仲轩(2019). 抗争表演的视觉框架:中国网络名人的实践经验.《传播与社会学刊》,第49期,页175–202. (tssci)
23. 林仲轩(2019). 图像的政治前提与显现空间——基于身体表演的视角. 《新闻界》,第6期,页39–48. (cssci)
24. 成杰,林仲轩,罗炜(2022). 消失在流行语中的“打工人”:网络时代青年群体身份认同的话语建构. 《新闻大学》,第9期,页73–88 119–120. (cssci)
(二) 残障媒介研究、数码残障研究 disability media studies, digital disability studies
& liang, h. (2023). paradox of ‘positive energy’: the complex affective realities of people with hearing impairments in china’s service industry. disability & society. online. (ssci)
2. lin, z., zhong, y. & yang, l.* (2023). what’s in a news image? framing people with disabilities in the changing society of china. disability & society. online. (ssci)
3. lin, z. & yang, l.* (2023). the performative body of disabled women: toward the politics of visibility in china. european journal of cultural studies, 26(5): 642–660. (ssci; a&hci)
4. lin, z.*, tang, j. & hui, h. (2022). livestreaming: exploring the obstacles and possibilities of digital usage for people with disabilities. disability & society, 37(8): 1391–1395. (ssci)
5. lin, z. & yang, l.* (2021). smartphones as actors: a new digital disability care actor-network in china. international journal of cultural studies,24(4): 673–688. (ssci; a&hci)
6. lin, z. & yang, l.* (2020). visualizing the invisible disabilities in china. visual communication, 20(4): 605–616. (ssci)
7. lin, z. & yang, l.* (2020). a digital promised land? digital landscape as a heterotopia for disabled people in china. information, communication & society, 23(8): 1220– 1234. (ssci)
8. lin, z., zhang, z. & yang, l.* (2019). self as enterprise: digital disability practices of entrepreneurship and employment in the wave of “internet disability” in china. information, communication & society, 22(4): 554–569. (ssci)
9. lin, z., yang, l. & zhang, z.* (2018). to include, or not to include, that is the question: disability inclusion and exclusion in china. new media & society, 20(12): 4436–4452. (ssci)
10. lin, z. & yang, l.* (2019). ‘me too!’: individual empowerment of disabled women in the #metoo movement in china. disability & society, 34(5): 842–847. (ssci)
11. lin, z. & yang, l.* (2018). denial of disability discrimination by disabled people in china. disability & society, 33(5): 804–809. (ssci)
12. yang, l. & lin, z.* (2024). the re-imagined social model: the disabling space of disabled people during the pandemic. disability & society. online. (ssci)
13. yang, l. & lin, z.* (2022). opportunity or risk? mobile phones and the social inclusion gap among people with visual impairment. disability & society. online. (ssci)
14. yang, l. & lin, z.* (2023). the national hero, the supercrip, and the self-reliant figure: paralympic champions on china central television’s sports channel. sport in society. 26(9): 1477–1491. (ssci)
15. yang, l. & lin, z.* (2022). the impact of “social networking ” technology on the social inclusion of persons with mobility impairments in china. social media society. 8(1): 1–12. (ssci)
16. 林仲轩,张司佳(2023). 关系视角下的父母媒介干预:智力与发展障碍家庭父母的混合式策略研究. 《新闻界》,第2期,页32-43 56. (cssci)
17. 林仲轩,杨柳(2021). 技术的应许与脆弱不安的生命:残障者的互联网工作实践.《国际新闻界》,第8期,页105-123. (cssci)
18. 林仲轩,杨柳(2020). 互联网背景下残障群体的社会心态研究.《残疾人研究》,第3期(总第39期),页72-76. (cssci扩展版
19. 杨柳,林仲轩(2023). 智能媒介与视障者社会融合的实证分析. 《新闻与传播评论》,第1期,页40-56. (cssci扩展版)
(三)港澳传播研究 communication research on hong kong and macau
1. lin, z. (2018). networks of play and resentment: emotionally mobilized protests in macau in the internet age. international journal of communication, 12: 3317–3334. (ssci)
2. lin, z. (2017). re-imagined communities in macau in cyberspace: resist, reclaim and restructure. chinese journal of communication, 10(3): 229–245. (ssci)
3. lin, z. (2017). contextualized transmedia mobilization: media practices and mobilizing structures in the umbrella movement. international journal of communication, 11: 48–71. (ssci)
4. lin, z. & zhao, y.* (2019). towards somolo journalism and somolo activism: case studies of macau netizens’ digital practices. media international australia,173(1): 93–107. (ssci)
5. ou, c., sandel, t. & lin, z.* (2024). mediated (un)doing family: cross-border parenting in chinese families. social media society. online. (ssci)
6. ou, c., sandel, t. & lin, z.* (2023). dis(playing) mediated filial norms: filial child pracices on wechat among chinese cross-border student. information, communication & society.online.(ssci)
7. ou, c. & lin, z.* (2023). co-presence, dysco-presence, and disco-presence: navigating wechat in chinese acquaintance networks. new media & society. online. (ssci)
8. ou, c. & lin, z.* (2023). digital borders in spatial-temporal mobility: social inclusion and exclusion of chinese migrant students in macao. mobile media & communication. online. (ssci)
9. deng, j. & lin, z.* (2024). the construction of hong kong’s “one country, two systems” in china daily: a corpus assisted critical discourse analysis. journal of language and politics. online. (ssci; a&hci)
10. deng, j. & lin, z.* (2023). postcolonialism and regimes of time: anniversary journalism of the hong kong handover in elite british and chinese newspapers (1998–2020). the china quarterly. online. (ssci)
11. zhao, y. & lin, z.* (2019). the political cultures of forwarding on chinese social media: lessons from hong kong chief executive election. sage open, 9(2):1–11. (ssci)
12. zhao, y. & lin, z.* (2020). political irony as self-censorship practice? examining dissidents’ use of weibo in the 2017 hong kong chief executive election. discourse & communication, 14(5): 512–532. (ssci)
13. 林仲轩,蔡楚萍 (2024). 社会心态视角下香港青年融入内地的机制研究. 《青年探索》,第1期,页101-112. (cssci扩展版)
14. 林仲轩(2017).表演认同作为其他途径的政治:澳门网民的实践经验. 《新闻学研究》,第131期,页127–171. (tssci)
15. 林仲轩,刘世鼎(2019).澳门的传媒生态变迁及网络新闻实践. 《二十一世纪》,第176期,页95–112.
林仲轩(2022).《跨文化传播教程》. 广州:暨南大学出版社。
林仲轩(2023). 《影视媒介中的跨文化传播》. 广州:暨南大学出版社。
林仲轩(2022). 《技术的应许:残障群体的新媒体实践》. 广州:暨南大学出版社。
林仲轩,赵瑜佩(2024). 《中国电竞的文化循环》. 北京:社会科学文献出版社。
林仲轩,赵瑜佩(2024). 《电子竞技研究:图景、视角与案例》. 北京:社会科学文献出版社。
赵瑜佩,林仲轩(2022). 《中国电子竞技产业文化概论》. 杭州:浙江大学出版社。
赵瑜佩,林仲轩(2022). 《电子竞技职业认知与人才素养》. 杭州:浙江大学出版社。
2023年度广东省一流本科课程(线上课程),《intercultural communication跨文化传播》,课程负责人
2020年度广东省教育厅省级高等教育教学研究和改革项目(在线开放课程),《intercultural communication跨文化传播》,项目负责人(已结项)