官全龙,暨南大学广东智慧教育研究院副院长,博士生导师,研究方向为人工智能、机器学习、软件研发与应用、数据安全、智慧教育、网络安全、区块链等。 2013年,美国宾夕法尼亚立大学学习访问,2017年,美国南卡罗纳大学学习访问。目前担任国内外期刊或会议:《ieee transactions on systems, man and cybernetics》,《ieee transaction on industrial electronic》,acm tois,aaai,ijcai、wsdm,infocom , wcnc, globalcom等顶级期刊或会议审稿专家。此外,还担任国家市场监管重点实验室学术委员会委员、中国人工智能学会教育工作委员、广东省科协海智计划特聘专家、中国计算机学会高性能专委委员、中国计算机学会计算机应用专委委员等。
承担建设粵港澳智慧教育联合重点实验室、粤澳先进智能计算联合实验室、广东省教育大数据服务与应用工程技术研究中心等平台,主持国家及省市等科研项目逾50项:国家自然科学基金:“教育智能体的安全与应用若干问题研究”、“移动互联网的应用市场开元棋脾的版权剽窃行为检测研究”,科技部国家重点研发计划项目:“农村地区教师教学能力智能评测与教学精准辅助技术研究”子课题, 广东省科技计划项目国际合作重点专项:“移动应用软件大数据的可信性分析关键技术研究”,广东省重大科技专项计划项目(战略新兴产业专项):“云环境下的数据安全保护关键技术及其应用示范”,广东省科技计划项目:“移动互联网应用的安全检测服务技术研究”等,联合承担广东省重点领域研发计划项目“基于数智化物流供应链的智能预测系统研发及应用”和“智能电动汽车新型电子电气架构关键技术研发及应用”、 广州市重点领域研发计划“面向韧性提升的城轨网络化列车运行计划编制与智能调度关键技术”,广东省科技成果转化重大项目“高速网络入侵检测系统研究与产业化”等项目。获得15项国家知识产权发明专利,国际专利5项,公开发明专利5项。
[1] chaonan wang, liudong xing, yujie su, quanlong guan, bo tang, yuliang hu. reliability analysis of dynamic voting phased-mission systems. reliability engineering & system safety , 中科院一区top
[2] mingzhi chen, quanlong guan*, yizhou he, zhenyu he, liangda fang, weiqi luo. knowledge tracing model with learning and forgetting behavior. proceedings of the 31st acm international conference on information & knowledge management , acm cikm, 2022, ccf b类
[3] sheng li, quanlong guan*, liangda fang, fang xiao, zhenyu he, yizhou he, weiqi luo. cognitive diagnosis focusing on knowledge concepts. proceedings of the 31st acm international conference on information & knowledge management , acm cikm, 2022,ccf b类
[4] xian-bin ye, quanlong guan, weiqi luo, liangda fang, zhao-rong lai, jun wang. molecular substructure graph attention network for molecular property identification in drug discovery. pattern recognition , elsevier bv, 2022, 128: 108659,中科院一区top期刊
[5] nan qiu, boyu gao, huawei tu, feiran huang, quanlong guan, weiqi luo. ldgc-sr: integrating long-range dependencies and global context information for session-based recommendation. knowledge-based systems , elsevier bv, 2022, 248: 108894,中科院一区
[6] junming qiu, wenqing li, zhanhao xiao, quanlong guan*, liangda fang, zhao-rong lai, qian dong. knowledge compilation meets logical separability. aaai, 2022,ccf a类top会议
[7] chaonan wang, qiongyang liu, liudong xing, quanlong guan, chunhui yang, min yu. reliability analysis of smart home sensor systems subject to competing failures. reliability engineering & system safety , 2022, 221: 108327,中科院一区top
[8] lele sha, mladen rakovic, jionghao lin, quanlong guan*, alexander whitelock-wainwright, dragan gasevic, guanliang chen. is the latest the greatest? a comparative study of automatic approaches for classifying educational forum posts. ieee transactions on learning technologies , 2022: 1--14,智慧教育顶级期刊
[9] lixiang yan, alexander whitelock-wainwright, quanlong guan, gangxin wen, dragan gasevi, guanliang chen. students' experience of online learning during the covid-19 pandemic: a province-wide survey study. british journal of educational technology , wiley, 2021, 52(5):
[10] xuanxiang huang, haipeng che, liangda fang, qingliang chen, quanlong guan, yuhui deng, kaile su. dynamic minimization of bi-kronecker functional decision diagrams. ieee/acm iccad 2020, san diego, ca, usa, ccf b 类
[11] lin, jinting, cui, lin, zhang, yuxiang, tso, fung po, guan, quanlong. extensive evaluation on the performance and behaviour of tcp congestion control protocols under varied network scenarios. computer networks, elsevier, 2019(ccf 推荐b类,影响因子:2.522)
[12] zhang, yuxiang, cui, lin, tso, fung po, guan, quanlong, jia, weijia, zhou, jipeng. mystique: a fine-grained and transparent congestion control enforcement scheme. ieee transactions on network and service management, (中科院二区), 2019
[13] heqing huang, cong zheng, junyuan zeng, wu zhou, sencun zhu, peng liu, ian molloy, suresh chari, ce zhang, quanlong guan*. a large-scale study of android malware development phenomenon on public malware submission and scanning platform. ieee transactions on big data(中科院二区)